Saturday 2 August 2008

The Sikh girl

I think it's disgraceful that Sarika Singh won her court case against her school, for excluding her for wearing her religious bracelet. The school had a policy that no jewelry other than a watch and stud earrings should be worn on school premises. She knew this when she started at the school. She should have went and studied else where. She has made herself stand put from the crowd which is normally not a bad thing but in this case, it will cause her much grief. She has shown that she is not prepared to integrate into secular society, people get nervous and suspicious of people who deliberately segregate themselves. Look at the Jews as an example, much anti-semitism was cause by their instance of separatism from non Jews. So what is so special about this bracelet then?

The bangle is used to represent infinity therefore God, many Sikhs say that when it (The bangle) hits against something, they are reminded of God's existence and of his love. The bangle forms part of "The 5 K's" that are worn by Sikhs that follow the khalsa brand of Sikhism. The 5 k's are

  1. Kesh (uncut hair)
  2. Kangha ( comb)
  3. Kirpan (Sword)
  4. Kachh (Cotton breeches)
  5. Kara (Bangle)

Interestingly the "Kara" was not one of the K's until the 17th century.

This isn't an anti-Sikhism post, on the contrary I really like Sikhism. I just feel that now the world is becoming more and more integrated religiously we need to have places where religion is not an issue and schools ( apart from R.E lessons) should be that place. Rules should apply to everyone. Or the rules should be changed.


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