Monday 20 October 2008


It will soon be the Samhain ( Oct 31) which is also the Pagan new year. This time of year we, Pagans, look back on our year and be thankful for all experiences we have had, be them good or bad. We also start thinking of the future and what we plan to achieve in the coming year. For me I know that I want to be more pro-active in my Religion, I want to make more of an effort to celebrate Rite's, rituals and Holidays. I feel that over the past year all those have been put aside for no real reason well perhaps laziness. I have been so caught up in the mundane things in life that the spiritual has been forgotten and for me the spiritual is just as important. Sure I pray every day and I help others with their religious and spiritual problems but i have neglected my own spiritual side. So the new year for me will bring balance and that is good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your hart will feel the Love,peace and joy He wants to give you in the name of Jesus Christ our Redeemer! Amen!
Unclean spirits obey your Master and leave his body through the name of Jesus Christ and fill him with the Holy Ghost to protect him against evil coming back seven fold! Amen!
My friend be free from the clutches of evil and start to enjoy your life and glorify Jesus for giving you another chance today!
Peace in Jesus!