Sunday 21 December 2008

Hocky Cocky

According to an article in the newspaper "The Sunday post" the song "The Hocky Cocky" ( or if you are American "The Hocky Pockey") is anti-Catholic. Apparently when it was first performed it was to take the mickey out of the priesthood ( although I feel those pointy hats did that already) and the words about putting left hand in and left hand out etc were all about the movements the priest made during the mass ritual. So the Catholic church want this song banned and especially baned and football matches for fear it will be used as sectarian chanting. My feeling on this are 1. Very few people knew the original reason for this song, for the vast majority it is a fun song sung at parties for many,many years. 2. The song has been sung on the football terraces for years so to ban it now would be unfair.3. Nobody would have know about it's original meaning if the church had not told them, they are creating trouble when there was none previously.

So my words to the catholic church are these. I will stop singing "The Hockey Cockey" if you allow the use of Condom's in high AIDS countries, I will stop singing "The Hockey Cockey" if you allow women to become priests and I will stop singing "The Hockey Cockey" if you stop covering up for the emotional,physical and sexual abuse of the children in the churches care over the years. So do we have a deal?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

paranoia anyone this is ridiculous the next time i do the dishes by putting my right hand in and taking my left hand out i could go to jail jebus crisp the world has gone mad